This post was originally published in 2017. It has been updated with the tips you need to make the most of your day off.

Does anyone else have a hard time deciding how to spend their day off?
I’ve been working from home for over seven years and it’s taken me nearly as long to learn how to separate my work time from my free time. I went through many seasons where I found myself writing blog drafts on Sundays, emailing campaign managers on Saturdays, or editing photos in the middle of a date night (talk about an unhealthy relationship with work). I knew I had to get myself out of that routine or I would never fully be present or learn to relax.
While it can be a challenge to truly disconnect and just enjoy a day of rest – without pushing myself to do errands or other adulting tasks – I’ve also found that it’s really necessary to prioritize time for myself. If I constantly fill my spare moments with work, I get burnt out and never really enjoy a day off. Practicing healthy work boundaries and scheduling time for myself has been a game-changer. This post is geared towards those who work from home or run their own business, but I believe that everyone can find it beneficial!
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How to Maximize a Quality Day Off
Schedule It In Advance
I find I’m the most accepting of time off if I schedule it into my calendar ahead of time. When I anticipate a day or evening to be free of work, it helps me mentally prepare to turn off and live in the moment. It also motivates me to get my work accomplished in advance so I can truly relax without worrying about any deadlines.
Hop Into Comfy Clothing
A day off, especially if spent at home, should be as comfortable as possible. Stay in your pajamas all day, because no one says you’re not allowed. If you typically dress nicely each day for your job, this helps separate a day off from a workday! Investing in luxurious loungewear or cute pjs is also a great mood booster!
Hit Rewind
When you were a teenager in high school, what did you do on your day off? If you were anything like me, you put away your homework and hit up the mall, nail salon, movie theater, or ice cream shop and forgot all your cares. I also enjoyed curling up with a book if I chose to stay at home. Escaping from the real world into a fantasy novel or cute romance is just what I often need.
Treat Yo’self
Keep in mind that indulging doesn’t necessarily mean spending. DIY a face mask, paint your toenails, and eat a whole bag of Dove dark chocolates (or learn from my mistake and don’t – just eat half the bag) while binge-watching your favorite show. If you have it in your budget, treat yourself to a mini shopping spree and splurge on the large drink at your favorite café. You deserve to be rewarded after all your hard work.
Try Something Completely New
I love discovering a new interest on my days off. Sometimes I’ll find a craft on Pinterest to try out. I often visit a new café in the city. I might try one of my husband’s video games. Sometimes I just go to the library to borrow a new book. You never know what you’ll be able to enjoy on your day off, but keep mixing it up because you may discover a project that you want to work on, long-term, or a place to visit more often.
Go On An Adventure
If you have the option to and it’s in your budget, go somewhere on your day off. It doesn’t have to be far. Sometimes my husband will hop in the car with me and just drive to a nearby park. Other times, we take a day trip to a city within an hour’s distance to explore. Blast throwback tunes in the car, and keep the conversation topics away from everyday work!
This one is the most important, and probably the one you’ve heard the most. I’m not saying to completely turn off your phone (although every once in a while, this can be a blessing as well) – I’m saying to avoid the stress triggers. For me, that means I don’t open my emails or spend hours scrolling on social media. Pro tip: don’t try to capture everything you do. This one is challenging for me because my tendency is to document literally everything. However, it can get exhausting, feeling the need to capture every moment. One of the best feelings ever is when there’s a sunset, and my phone is in the car, and I actually get to experience the glowing, golden sky, without holding a phone in front of my face. There will be other sunsets to capture, but when I take a day off, I need to prioritize living in the moment.
These are just a few of the guidelines I follow on my days off, and they have helped me recharge and feel inspired when I go back to my work the next day.

What do you enjoy doing on your day off?
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These are great tips. I have days off but I don’t use them to relax like I should. Definitely need to change things up there.
It’s hard to consciously make the effort to relax on days off. Usually, it’s easier to jump right into “what needs to be done.” However, when you set aside purposeful time off, it can really benefit you in the long run!
This is such a timely article. When I get a day off, I always make a mess if things and spend the day doing the wrong things.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece of information online.
I don’t know if I’d say there are “wrong” ways to spend a day off, but I will say that making the decision to give yourself downtime is really important. If you’re spending all your time goinggoinggoing you’ll end up burnt-out, and that’s not fun at all!
Well, since I can’t go shopping for anything I like, and we can’t go anywhere because of the lock down restrictions, what I do to unwind is spend time in my garden tending to my plants. It is a great stress reliever for me.
Oh my! It sounds like things are truly dreadful for you if you can’t go shopping for anything you like. I’m sorry to hear that! I usually shop online anyways, but in my city, most of the lockdown restrictions have lifted, and as long as I take extra precautions and wear a mask, I’m able to enjoy going to some of my favorite stores. Hopefully, that will be the case for you soon. Until then, I’m glad you get a chance to tend your garden.
I’m really connecting with this! As someone who works from home (and has, even pre-apocalypse) it can be hard to differentiate my “off” days/times from when I’m working. I need to do a better job of blocking off my time so I’ll have to give these tips a try.
Exactly! That’s what gets challenging for me as well. I was home educated all the way through graduation and then just a few years later I began working from home. It got tricky to truly take a real day off. But I know that when I actually schedule it, it tends to work out a little better in the long-run!
Great tips! Comfy clothing is everything for me on a day off, I have a lazy day uniform and rolling around the house is cosy clothes is the best feeling! I love the idea of unplugging too, that’s something I really need to do more of ♡
Anika |
If I’m totally honest, I need to invest in some better loungewear. All I really have right now are yoga leggings and pajama shorties, so I’m lacking in the luxuriously cozy department! I like the idea of a lazy day uniform. Once that goes on, the work must come to a stop, am I right?
For sure need to do a better job unplugging on my days off!! I tend to use it as an excuse to ‘catch up’ versus actually dedicating a day to rest.
I totally relate to this! It’s hard to just wind down rather than picking up everything that has been left on the to-do list throughout the week. But scheduling time off in advance seems to be a really solid way of making sure it happens (and let the hubs know so he can join in the “lazy” goodness with you)!
Such great tips! I just started working a FT job again, so this will be so useful to me when trying to plan my off days! I know it’ll take some time to adjust, but when I do it’ll be great and productive! xo
Congratulations on the new job! That’s exciting. Definitely make sure you fit time into your schedule to just relax. It’s so necessary for our bodies and minds to function better!
Unplugging sounds like the perfect day off!
Agreed! I used to be really bad about this, and now it’s rare to find me on my phone for extended periods of time when it’s a weekend or scheduled day off. I just want to read or hang out with my husband!
I completely agree that it is so hard to take time off, especially if you are working from home. At the moment because of the current situation I’m working from home and it can feel like all the hours roll into one so you are right in saying that sometimes we should just rewind.
I think that’s the situation a lot of people are in, for sure, and it can be challenging to really separate workdays from time off. I hope you get a chance to really unwind when you have that extra free time!
these are SUCH great tips and such a great reminder for me to do the same thing! one minute i am trying to draft an instagram caption, the next i am on facebook groups and the next i realize that half the day has gone by. def need to work on totally relaxing on days off.
xx rebecca //
That’s exactly what happens to me! I stumble down the rabbit hole with Facebook groups, Twitter threads, Pinterest boards, etc. and then I realize I haven’t relaxed my mind or my body at ALL. No good, whatsoever. When I over-work, I get burnt out. We gotta make time for ourselves!
These are some great ideas!! I do a lot of these myself but with a twist
Self care days and going for drives have been my favorite ways to unwind!
Ya gotta put your own personal touch on stay-at-home-and-chill days
It has to be what helps YOU relax!
I love this post!! I could definitely use a day off. I work as a social media manager in addition to my blog so an unplug day would be so nice!
So do I! I totally relate to that feeling! It’s tough to find the balance between work and life, especially when life becomes work or work is such a huge part of life. The line gets a little fuzzy, eh?
I love going on adventures! Honestly, when I get a day off, sometimes I want to catch up on things, and sometimes I want to DO NOTHING! But that’s what a day off is for, I guess. Love the new look of the comment area, too! <3
I think my tendency is to ALWAYS catch up or do the odd job around the house or the extra bit of work I didn’t get to during the week, but I know that’s not as healthy. There are times to work, and there are times for errands, and there are definitely times I need to RELAX (I just have to tell myself that regularly). Also, thank you! Disqus was giving me a hard time, so I went back to the original format
I have never needed a day off like I do this week. Cannot wait to unwind with some sleep and food
I hope you truly enjoy that well-deserved time off. Sleep and food is the!
You’re so right – I am constantly working too! It is so hard for me to actually take a whole day off for myself. Scheduling the day in advance helps me immensely too. I personally enjoy trying new restaurants with my husband. That is my happy place!
This came at the perfect time! I took this Friday off, just because, and I am going to be practicing some serious self-care!
Such a resourceful post, especially for someone who is always going and has a hard time slowing down (like me). Thank you for sharing! xoxo, Sarah
I hear you. It can be so hard to take a proper ay off when you work from home, but I know it’s necessary as burnout can quickly creep in if you’re not careful. When I think about carefree times when I had real days off I was in my twenties. Once the weather is less hot out I can’t wait to take a full day of hiking and maybe a picnic. That would make me happy!
I have one day off a week. I usually get so bogged down with housework that I never take the time to relax. I think I need to schedule my day out better!
These are such great tips! My work gave everyone a floating holiday for the month of July, to be used any day we want. I’m planning on using mine soon but other than going to the DMV to renew my license, I seriously have no idea what to do with myself! These are great tips!
Definitely unplug! Especially no social media. I like staying at home wear comfy clothes and read all day if possible. I have so much fun with those kind of days! Right now is winter where I live so is the perfect moment to do that.
I love the idea of thinking about what you did for your day off as a teenager. Because back then there was no way I would consider thinking about homework on a day off haha. These are all great tips! x
I admit, I’m bad about taking days off. I work pretty much every day! I need to work on a work/life balance for sure.
My day offs are full of chores, playing with kids and cooking and meal prepping…your post makes me realize that I should find time to relax too
I always love how you outline something really important in all of your posts, and do so in an eloquent way. This is helpful because I know a lot of people truly do not know how to take the day off. They know they have the day off, but they end up wasting it and not really being able to enjoy it!
Great tips! I think for me, unplugging is definitely a MUST! Constantly checking my phone for calls, txts, emails, it’s so draining.
Yes! Weekends I usually unplug and go on an adventure! And enjoy the Sunday nightly baths!
Whenever I decide to take a day off, I always try to listen to what my body needs/ wants! So very important to honor where you are at in the present moment to make the most of any/ all down time!
Scheduling and making to-do lists in my reminders app is a must on my days off!
i love todo lists and definitely listen to my body when I have my rest days!
cute & little
These are all such great ideas! Personally, I like staying home on my day off! haha! Practicing self-care though.
These are some great ideas for spending a day off! Xx.
These are great ideas for spending a day off. Unplugging is a great way to spend time off.
Xx, Nailil
I’ve been unplugging which has helped a bit. I really want to go an adventure and experience new things.
These are such great tips! I always like to do a mix of relaxing and being productive on my days off!
These are all great ideas! I’m retired now, so I don’t have days off anymore. I tend to spend the week doing things I enjoy, and spend the weekends doing chores.
Thanks for recommending tips! I will recommend this article to my mom since she just retired!
These are great ways to separate work from relaxation. The most important one is unplugging.