This post was originally published in 2020. It has been updated with the best tips for better sleep. I utilize stock photos in this article.
Getting a great night of sleep doesn’t have to be a mystery any longer.
My mom has always struggled with insomnia, and I was “lucky” enough to inherit that gene. Even when I was a lot younger, I dealt with awful nightmares and would battle my anxiety late into the night. Sometimes melatonin just doesn’t cut it. I’ve had years to develop a bedtime ritual that works for me. I try to follow all of these steps every single evening, if possible. Once I developed the habit of sticking to this routine, I began sleeping much better. Now those fitful nights are few and far between.
Some important things to remember: it takes 30 days of repetition for something to become a habit. As long as you faithfully stick to this routine, you will begin to see a positive difference. Also, sleep is different for everyone. What works for me may not work the same way for you, but if you struggle with getting a restful night of sleep, I suggest giving this routine a try! I’ve created a downloadable bedtime checklist that will simplify your evening and help you create better nighttime habits.
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The Best Bedtime Routine for a Great Night of Sleep
write tomorrow’s schedule
If you have everything written down ahead of time, you won’t be trying to process the next thing on your to-do list. It’s already prepared for tomorrow. In addition, laying out your clothing for the following day eliminates the stress of knowing you have to get up early in the morning to choose something before work.
turn off all screens
Your brain “stays awake” much longer if you stare at your phone or have a TV on while you’re in bed. Give your eyes and your mind a break from those blue screens. Exception: if you have a Kindle Paperwhite, you’re set! It doesn’t have any blue light so it’s the perfect device to use at night.
take a warm bath
I recommend adding Epsom salts to detox. Pour a glass of red wine. Listen to a podcast or audiobook while you relax and know that there’s nothing left for you to do.
Lavender promotes excellent sleep health, and I diffuse that with peppermint at night to counter any evening indigestion or nausea along with providing relaxation.
Herbal tea is the way to go. Or you can do decaffeinated coffee if you’d like. If you’re not into coffee or tea, don’t reach for the hot cocoa – instead, boil some water, then add a slice of lemon and a dollop of honey. So soothing and good for you.
Listen to instrumental music
The worst thing is having a vocal track stuck in your head while you’re trying to sleep. Instead, I’ve got a wide range of relaxing, instrumental playlists that you can access right here. These are perfect for winding down and falling asleep.
read a physical book
Remember the no screens rule? Put away your phone and grab a paper copy of a book (or that Paperwhite I mentioned earlier). I suggest light-hearted fiction. Nothing too action or violence-heavy so your mind can fully relax.
journal about your day
Write down what you did and how you felt so you can process these emotions before trying to drift off. If you’re focused on what went wrong during your day, you’ll be anxious all night long. Work it out on paper.
I can’t recommend the Headspace app enough. They have nighttime meditations that are meant to help you fall asleep. They have ASMR tracks and even atmospheric “bedtime stories” of a sort. I love the Sandy Cove sleepcast.
Don’t give up on this after one night. Try to stick with it long-term so you can see how the repetition changes how you sleep! Need a reminder? Get your hands on my bedtime routine checklist so you can keep track of your progress.
Download My FREE Bedtime Routine Checklist
You’ll be a sleep master in no time when you follow this simple nightly ritual. Print and keep it by your bedside, put it in your daily planner, or check things off on your tablet or smartphone!
These are some really great tips! I love writing my to do list for the next day otherwise my mind is goin a million miles a minute haha!
Exactly! I have a hard time turning off my brain at night, so this is a good way for me to at least compartmentalize.
I am definitely guilty of doing all the things you say not to do, lol! I do love a meditation while falling asleep and the bath + glass of wine is right up my alley. These tips are SUPER helpful, thanks for sharing Steph!
xx rebecca //
I’ve just found those things keep my mind awake much longer and prevent me from getting a peaceful night of sleep. However, I know it’s different for everyone.
these are all such great tips and beautiful photos! I use to diffuse lavender and completely stopped for some reason. I need to get back to that! thank you for the great reminder!
xo Laura Leigh
You should try it again 🙂 Diffusing lavender is such an excellent way to promote better sleep help.
These are all such great tips!! I am an avid journaler and it always helps me relax before switching off for the night. Also, instrumental music is a must for me!
I definitely need to up my game on the journaling front. I just know that every time I’ve made that part of my routine, it has helped a lot! I’m glad you include that in your routine.
While I’ve figured out some semblance of a morning routine, a peaceful night time routine continues to remain elusive. I’m on my laptop/phone for way past what i know is ideal – the lockdown has especially screwed up my habits. 🙁
But this list is definitely helpful. I’ll say I do about 3-4 of these things already. I just need to get better about the no screens part!
I’m not great with a morning routine, since I work from home. My morning routine usually consists of waking up and grabbing my laptop to work in bed for 3 hours straight haha! Probably not the best, but my nighttime routine is SET. We just need to flip-flop 😉
Some great tips here! I’ve found it so difficult to sleep pretty much every night this week due to the heatwave we’ve been having in the UK!
That’s so exhausting. You don’t have AC?? I’ve only found out recently that it’s primarily only an American thing. Makes me feel so bad for the rest of the world!
One thing I always do is turn off my phone when I go to bed, I don’t really like to have screen time once I’m in bed! I do like to read before I go to sleep as I find that relaxing and it helps me unwind x
Lucy |
Precisely! That’s the best way to go about it. Looking at any screen before bed is so bad for your sleep health. I’m glad you’ve already made it a habit to turn your phone off and read instead 🙂
These are some great tips. I really need to get better at turning off my phone and laptop earlier.
It’s something I see a lot of people struggle with. But once you find a way to break that habit, you can create better ones!
I’m fortunate enough to not suffer with insomnia but when I have a few bad nights in a row having a bedtime routine really helps. Having a bath and writing a to do list for the day ahead are two things that always really help me. I’ve never thought about having a warm drink before bed, will definitely have to give that a try! Thanks for sharing!
It’s funny because growing up I read about children drinking warm milk to sleep better. I never enjoyed that, but I do love a mug of tea or honey-lemon water!
Your blog looks lovely. Very informative and lovely suggestions. Will definitely try the bath one for sure. Thanks for sharing!
MagicandBliss |
I hope that evening baths help you sleep even better!
These are really great tips indeed. Turning off screens is so important, but I’ve definitely become the person who needs the TV on to fall asleep. My fiancé is against that idea, and wants screens off too, so it’s a struggle every night since I like the background noise until I fall asleep! I usually set a timer for 30 mins so it’s not on for too long!
I love background noise, don’t get me wrong, but I use a fan and sleep sounds on my meditation app, Headspace, to rest easier. Then I read instead of staring at a screen, and it helps me sleep much better!
These are great tips! I’m the type of person who works and works until I fall into bed at night. I need to be better about my sleep schedule!
I understand, as I typically do the same thing. But then I make sure to set aside time to wind down. If I do find myself needing to work right up until the second I sleep, I turn the brightness down on my laptop, play soothing music, and drink tea while I work. That way I’m at least calming my mind and body to some degree.
I’ll admit winding down for the night has not been easy, so I will take any tips I can get! xoxo, Sarah
I sure hope that some of these help you!
Great tips! This pandemic has really affected my sleep schedule because my anxiety has gotten pretty bad. I really need to be better at removing all screens from my room when I go to bed!
I relate! I was barely getting more than 2 hours of sleep each night for a little while, because I didn’t stick with my routine. Once I got back to the habit of not watching TV up until bedtime, or staring at my phone, or even working – it evened out a lot!
Reading before bed definitely has helped me get a better good night sleep! Your tips are so helpful and for sure will want to try them out. I know I need a better bedtime routine!
I will always, ALWAYS suggest reading before bed. It’s such a great way to redirect your mind and relax!
Great tips! A bath definitely helps me get to sleep 🙂
These are great tips! I rarely have sleep problems but I never know what to do when I do have issues falling asleep—now I do! Thanks for sharing!
These are such great tips, I absolutely love listening to instrumental music at night it’s one of my favorite things to do.
I like the idea of taking a nice warm bath with Epsom salts to relax and detox as well as using essential oils to unwind. Plus journaling is a great way to get a better night’s sleep as well!
I also have struggles falling asleep at night and journaling is the last thing I do before I get into bed to go to sleep! I love doing it, it’s so relaxing and it’s nice to have something to spill your thoughts and feelings out to of the day’s events. I’ve never tried the Headspace app but I’ve heard many good things about it, so I’m seriously considering it! I currently use the Calm app since I have a free trial, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to stick with it once the trial ends due to its kind of pricey subscription fee. These were very helpful ideas, thank you for sharing!
Some lovely tips here, Stephanie. I like having a warm (not hot) shower before bed when I can (I get bored in the bath!) and diffusing essential oils such as lavender and geranium are very soothing. I also find reading a paperback (not Kindle) for 30 minutes before lights out is hugely helpful, it gives my unconscious brain a chance to stop whirring! Lisa
Great tips! My mom struggles with insomnia (her mind doesn’t ever shut off of work), but I’m notoriously known to be able to fall asleep at any second, anywhere. 🙂
Great tips. I have to start taking a bath before bed as that’s so relaxing! Another thing I like to do is go for a quiet walk with my dog at night. The little bit of exercise makes me rest better at night and wake up less. Having a relaxing routine is so important for the next day too!
I have struggled with insomnia for a long time and I have to say, these are all fantastic tips. Lavender essential oil has helped me so much! I’ve also found it extremely helpful to write out my to-do list for the next day. Great post! Very informative!
Great ideas! I always find reading a physical book and practicing breathing exercises help me the most. I think I need to try journaling about my day too.
So many great tips! I try to unplug before bed (sometimes unsuccessfully– whoops!) and I do notice I sleep better if I take a shower before bed (not one for baths) and diffuse lavender oil. I can definitely do better with a bedtime routine!
Getting a good night’s sleep is something that I struggle with so thank you for this helpful reminder! I love the idea of writing a schedule the day before and also detoxing from screens as this is something that I have tried to do recently.
These are such great tips for a better night’s sleep! I agree that journaling is a big help because I feel I can do a brain dump of whats on my mind and I fall asleep faster! Thanks for sharing these!
cute & little
Great post that covers everything. I’m always looking for ways to improve my quality of sleep and wake up more energised. I agree with all your tips here. I love taking a long hot bath before I go to bed. Washing away the stress of the day ready for a fresh day the next day!
These are awesome! I do many of these and I agree that they definitely help, especially writing the next days schedule 🙂
So many good tips. I sometimes struggle with my sleeping routine and often get into the habit of waking up at 2am and doing work for an hour or two before heading back to sleep for an hour or two. However, I have been practising some of these tips and they’ve been working. Another tip I would suggest is living to an audiobook of something your really familiar with.
These are great! I really need to work on the no screens rule, I’m often tempted to read on my iPad and I know that doesn’t help. Will also try the instrumental music, have recently discovered a few cool soundtracks courtesy of Spotify.
I’m the opposite. I can’t sleep unless the TV is on. For some reason having the noise helps me focus and prevents me from getting lost in my thoughts.
That first suggestion is my go-to when I experience insomnia or anxiety in general. Making a list reassures me I haven’t missed anything, which helps me to relax.
Xo Jaimie
These are some really good helpful suggestions to help with a better night sleep. Due to my chronic illnesses my sleep isn’t always the best. I woke up this morning at 4:30am after only 3 1/2 hours of sleep and still awake now and I am exhausted. I am going to light my sleep candle and getting into bed soon. Thank you for sharing your suggestions.
My sleep routine is all over the place. I keep trying to get into better habits but I’m not very good at sticking to them. Great tips here – thanks!
Loved this post so much, Stephanie! The Lavender essential oil point made me smile because it is seriously my go-to thing for relaxation! Love lavender and also a Christmas blend! Also, taking a hot shower just knocks me tf out LOL Thanks for sharing xx
Lynn |
Love these tips! I have been having trouble sleeping since I was a kid and sometimes there was no amount of showers or no screen that could help, but thankfully growing up I know what starts triggering it and if I can’t sleep I have my faithful lavender spray and book on hand! Thanks for sharing x
I love the reminder to stay consistent! Changing my nighttime routine and curating good habits for a restful night’s sleep took a while, and it’s so easy to get discouraged in those first couple of weeks. But remembering that it takes time and consistency keeps your expectations realistic, and before you know it, you’re getting better sleep each night!
i usually meditate in the evening as I find it helps me sleep better, these are some great tips here. thanks for sharing.
Getting at least 7 hour sleep is so important! I used to sleep less than 6 hours and had exhausted day all through.
Then I started following some bed time routine and it worked. Cold bath instead of warm bath, no screen and reading books helped me a lot.
Thanks for the advice of meditation. I will try it from now on!
Jahid |
Turning the screens off is KEY! I try to read every night before bed and I always fall asleep faster.
These are such great tips! I don’t have insomnia but I don’t think I sleep very restfully. I always wake up more tired! I should incorporate these tips – I think a warm bath or shower right before I sleep would be really helpful!