It doesn’t matter whether I’m working, reading, or just trying to enjoy a peaceful evening, I nearly always have music playing. My favorites are calm, instrumental playlists.
More often than not, I prefer soft jazz and lofi over heavy vocals or a loud beat. This helps me put all my focus into whatever activity I’m participating in, and I’m less distracted by the music itself. Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as excited when Taylor Swift releases an album, and I’ll have it on repeat for months. I just know that as I’ve gotten older, I care less about who’s popular on the radio, and more about how a lovely jazz tune makes me feel inside while I’m preparing dinner or reading a book.
I use a lot of the songs I listen to as music on my Instagram stories, and I received quite a few questions about where I was finding them. Apparently, other people enjoy peaceful and soothing melodies as much as I do! I wanted to share my favorite instrumental playlists with you so that if you’re studying or working, or you just want some nice background music for the evening, you have plenty of options!
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6 Playlists You Should Listen to When You Need to Relax
As you can see, the playlists I’ve picked out are either piano, jazz, or lofi – all without vocals. These are my personal preferences, but I highly suggest browsing Spotify’s different radio options based on the songs you enjoy, or just typing an activity in the search bar to see what appears. That’s how I’ve found most of these!
I find these playlists to be incredibly relaxing. If you walk into my home at any given moment, there’s a good chance one of these will be playing softly from the speakers in at least one room.

What kind of playlists do you enjoy listening to when you want to relax?
pin for later

Girl, I always have backround music on, whether I’m at home or driving, I need something to zone out to. I find that whenever I listen to instrumental or piano music, I’m much happier, and more at peace as a whole. I’ve been searching all over spotify lately for music that’s both soothing and motivating, so this was the perfect post to read! Thank you for sharing your recommendations! You rock!
I’m so glad to hear that this came at such a good time! I definitely prefer this kind of music to most anything else now. I barely even know who is on the radio anymore (unless you count Taylor Swift, because obviously folklore took priority over EVERYTHING) haha!
I’ve been looking for some new music to listen to! I loveee jazz and piano music! I usually listen to piano while I work (or the Game of Thrones soundtrack). Can’t wait to check these out!
I’ve heard a lot of people love the GoT soundtrack. Since I didn’t watch the show, it doesn’t hold the same appeal to me, I suppose. But I do love a good instrumental movie soundtrack when I can find one 🙂
I’ve actually never seen the show lol! I just randomly found the music and I LOVE IT! Haha!
ooh thanks SO much for sharing these!!! john and i have been listening to the same ambient play list for MONTHS and desperately need something new! checking these out asap.
xx reb // thecrystalpress.com
Haha! After a while, the whole thing starts to sound the same when you listen to it over and over. I get that! Hopefully these will help mix things up a bit. You’d probably really like the lo-fi one if you enjoy the ambient playlist.
I’m the same way where I love having music playing constantly! It doesn’t matter if I’m cooking, cleaning, chilling or whatever, I love having a good playlist going. I’ll add these to mine and try them out!
cute & little
I used to listen to a lot of different artists, but over the past few years, I’ve discovered that I much prefer instrumental music to keep me company while I focus on my work. It’s also great music for winding down in the evenings and for just resting/relaxing.
Yay for new music suggestions! Thank you. I am always looking for new bits of listen to. I am gonna give these a try.
Your photograph selections are amazing, btw. Truly cozy. Love them!
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! I’m currently listening to the lo-fi playlists as I work. They’re great for keeping me focused on my tasks. And thanks! I can’t take any credit since they’re stock photos, but the photographer is amazing, right?
Ooooo I love listening to the Peaceful Piano Playlist and the Lo-Fi Cafe. So relaxing and I feel like they help me think a lot better! Xx.
Oooh I don’t know anyone else who likes these playlists, so that’s super fun to find out! If you like those, you’ll definitely enjoy the others as well 🙂
I love that you can share Spotify playlists like this. So fun! And I totally need to grab some relaxing music for work. It helps me to have something going on in the background to keep my mind going. Fab suggestions!
Me too! I’m constantly sending playlists to my friends and family, and when someone mentioned the music on my Instagram stories, I figured that I could share with my blog audience as well 🙂
When I’m relaxing, I tend to listen to sad songs hahaha I don’t know why. And when I’m working I need more cheerful music that boots my energy. So mainly music in Spanish.
Well… I wouldn’t necessarily consider these to be sad, but they sure are peaceful, so maybe they fit your relaxing mood? 😉 I used to listen to a lot more music with vocals while working, but now I prefer instrumental because it helps me focus a bit more on my task. I only listen to something else in the car or when I wanna DANCE haha!
I will definitely check out your playlists. Even though I am someone who likes it quiet while working. But I am always lookin for new music for drives and walks.
❥ tanvii.com
I typically cast my music to my Google Home and have it turn the volume to like 5-10% so it’s really quiet. It’s just like background noise that helps drown out the sounds that surround my townhome, but it’s not so loud that it distracts me, which I like!
I’m another one who forever has the music playing regardless of what I’m doing. Love checking out your playlists…always nice to come across something new and fresh (at least to me). Thank you for sharing! xoxo, Sarah
I was hopeful that these wouldn’t be overly familiar to the people checking out the post, so that’s nice to hear 🙂 They’re definitely my favorites for working, relaxing in the evenings, and reading!
I never listen to play lists while working for some odd reason but really need to get on that! My husband does and always has such fun facts and stories to tell me from the. Thank you for sharing some ideas! Will definitely be checking them out this week!
xo Laura Leigh
I was home-educated growing up, and my mom used to come into my room and I’d be SUPER focused on math with like… The Jonas Brothers blasting in the background. She was always so confused as to how I worked and listened to something simultaneously, but I can’t focus as well without it, crazy enough! Now my music choices have just changed a bit. I realize that the instrumental tracks help me feel calm and focused much more than something with vocals.
Okay, this has to be one of my favorite posts as of late! I’m definitely saving these for later.
Oh, that’s awesome to hear! Thank you so much for the encouragement. I hope you really enjoy these playlists 🙂
Great recommendations! I’m definitely a lo-fi fan and I have the same playlist on repeat, as well as “Studious Ghibli” (it’s a Studio Ghibli-inspired lo-fi playlist) and the popular ChilledCow playlist!
That’s AMAZING. I didn’t know about the Studious Ghibli one and now I definitely need to check it out. I love the ChilledCow playlist, and that’s actually what inspired me to find the other lo-fi options. Now I just kinda circle through all of these depending on the day and my mood and I never get tired of them!
Cool playlists! I listen to a lot of rock or hip hop when working. It’s gets me moving and the juices flowing!
Everyone has their tastes 🙂 For some, it’s music with an intense beat and heavy vocals, and for others, it’s something calm and instrumental. I used to fall into the first category, and now I’m very much in the second haha!
I love this post so much, since I always run out of things to listen to ESPECIALLY when it’s relaxing music. I always listen to waves crashing when I’m trying to sleep, but I need something more relaxing for work!
I listen to cabin rains when falling asleep, so I get that for sure! But these are the playlists I enjoy most before I actually go to sleep, when I’m reading and relaxing in bed – or when I’m working 🙂 I hope you can find a playlist you enjoy!
These playlists are so good! I typically listen to music while I work but since I’m now working from home, I’ve been going between music, catching up on my favorite shows, and podcasts while I work!
I usually listen to cheesy pop when I’m working. It probably stems from working in retail with music in the background. However I love the thought of listening to calm, instrumental music and will check out your recommendations.
These playlists are so good! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing.I love finding new playlists. 🙂
Xx, Nailil
Lo-fi Café and Rainy Day Jazz are two of my go-to playlists as well! Have you ever listened to the Spotify playlist that’s just called “Relaxing Massage”? That’s another one that’s great for tranquil background music when working!
Lofi cafe is one of my faves! I actually stopped subscribing to Spotify (used a family member’s plan for Tidal) and miss all these amazing playlists. Your post reminded me I need to switch! LOL xo, Natalie http://nataliastyleblog.com
Like you, I usually have music in the background. Instrumental music doesn’t take away from the focus I need as I work.
I love this! I am always looking for new playlists and will be add these to my Spotify favorites. I also enjoy music playing around the house often.
Yessss! Background music is the perfect way to uplift, zone in, zone out or just plain old turn a mood around. Honestly, I don’t so much listen while I’m writing or in front the computer, but ALWAYS have some kind of jazzy French cafe playlist going when I’m in the kitchen!
I’m always looking for some music to listen to while I’m working. Lately, music has been one of the most helpful ways for me to stay focus because. Quiet can be a little bit too quiet.
Thanks for sharing! Im always looking for new music that isn’t top distracting to have one while I’m writing blog posts etc!
I was thinking about how I need to start listening to music more often. The barrier was some new inspiration as the hip hop I usually like is not suitable for background music. This was great timing to read your post!
xo Jaimie
Oooo I’m going to check these out! For some reason, I love listening to the GOT soundtrack (although I’ve never seen the show haha!).
I recently started listening to LoFi! It is my go to working and writing music now. I also like listening to instrumental versions of pop music. I can’t have vocals playing if I’m writing, it’s way too distracting.
will 100% be checking these out! I never use to listen to anything while working but recently have started to here and there and actually quite like it. thank you for sharing these and inspiring my work day!
xo Laura Leigh
This is so good! I love this post so much and I can’t wait to check out your playlists! Thank you so much for sharing! xo
Love these tips and these photos! I can’t listen to certain kinds of music while working, but I also can’t work in silence, so I gravitate towards a lot of lo-fi, classical, or inspirational music. I’ll have to check out these playlists!
Life without playing music is inconceivable to me. I start my day with music. Thanks for sharing these playlists!
Oooo thanks for the heads up on these playlists, I use to listen to Lush all the time.
Allie of
You have great taste in music! I just listened to snippet of these and it’s totally my style. I’m the same – I ALWAYS have music playing (but then again, I’m a musician so I’m either listening to it, playing it or humming it lol). I even got a shower radio lol! For work, I definitely love jazz and piano (although the GOT soundtrack was my music of choice for quite a while).
I always have LoFi on while I’m working! I can’t listen to anything with words while writing, so instrumental is where it’s at. I need to check out your Jazz recommendations. I always think of the terrible smooth Jazz that my parents liked growing up when I hear the word Jazz haha.
no but I’m the SAME with music. i always have something playing and i prefer lofi and jazz to beats as well. i need to be able to zone into my work while also vibing and cutting out the random noise of the world (India is noisy as heck almost everywhere). i marked a few of yours to listen to soon and i already feel like I’ll love them.
here are my favs, if you’re looking for recs:
indie autumn (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1DzxqxWb84ci6bgGfLMZ2L?si=bb8d9ed7ba954b22) this has songs with words but trust me it is SO GOOD.
a couple of recent favs from a bookstagrammer – https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5QFXQLLBiSFe3uwvnnQn6q?si=333a314c5163454e , https://open.spotify.com/playlist/40TE8svcy0wWNwQTkSTIdh?si=b1a2c15671b046b4
and 3 that i listen to on youtube:
https://youtu.be/BeI6an1Fy6E (you HAVE to try this one)
i have more but that’s enough for now haha. let me know what you think if you listen to them!
Thanks for sharing these, I’m looking forward to checking them out! Usually I prefer complete silence when I’m reading, but I always have some kind of music on, without vocals, at almost every other time.