June was a truly important reading month for me. I made a goal close to the beginning of the month to swap all of my audiobooks for titles written by Black authors. Boy, am I glad I did! It was…
5 Books to Immediately Add to Your Reading List
May has come and gone, and with it, the eleven books I gobbled up. This time, there were five 5-star reads (a mix of autobiographies, contemporary romance, and YA supernatural fiction)! I realize that a lot of my blog readers…
10 Terrific Books to Read While Social Distancing
Does anyone else feel like April flew by? I expected to be reading more than usual, but between slow audiobooks and how quickly the month passed, I just barely managed to squeak out ten books! Okay, so maybe that’s still…
11 Books to Pick Up When You Need An Escape
More time at home means more time to read, and I’ve done just that! My goal has been to read 10 books each month. I started the year strong with 11, the second month had 9, and I’m back up…
8 Books to Add to Your Spring Reading List
February might have been a shorter month, but that didn’t stop me from reading like crazy! I still can’t believe I read a total of eleven books in January. I had high hopes after that, and set my goal for…
What I Read in January
I was overjoyed to surpass my January reading goal. Now I’m sharing reviews for the 11 books I got through during the first month of the year. I set a goal for 30 reads throughout the entire year. I inhaled…
2020: The Year of the Books
I didn’t have a reading goal set for myself last year, and I ended up reading 30 books. I’ve set 30 as my reading goal in 2020 and plan to surpass it. I absolutely adore reading. I’ve always been a…