Recently, I was tagged by I’m All Booked Up to share my answers to the “get to know the fantasy reader” book tag!
I read I’m All Booked Up like it’s my job and was so excited when they posted their answers to this tag. As I was scrolling through, I realized they had tagged me and I practically screeched. Since fantasy is my favorite genre, this felt like the perfect tag to participate in. It’s been years since I’ve written up a post that’s literally just for fun, so needless to say, this was a blast!
I’m not going to be tagging anyone, but if you’d like to share this on your blog, feel free! The original tag was created by Falling for Romance.
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By reading the answers to these questions, you’ll get to know a little more about my love for the fantasy genre.
What is your fantasy origin story? (The first fantasy you read.)
When I was six years old, my parents purchased the box set of The Chronicles of Narnia and we read them aloud as a family. Unlike so many people, we read them in series order, starting with The Magician’s Nephew and ending with The Last Battle. I still own the box set and it is falling apart – clearly showing that it’s the most beloved series in my book collection.
If you could be the hero/heroine in a fantasy novel, who would be the author, and what’s one trope you’d insist be in the story?
This is really tough because I have so many authors who I would love to write my story. I think I’d have to pick Victoria Schwab though, because the way she writes is just breathtaking. I’d want it to include best friends-to-lovers, of course! That’s my favorite trope.
What is a fantasy series you’ve read this year that you want more people to read?
I began The Daevabad Trilogy a few months ago and I’m totally hooked. It’s medium-paced with tons of wild adventure and fantastic world-building. I’ve never read anything quite like it and apparently it’s going to be a television show in the future? I can’t wait to see some of the costumes and settings on-screen!
What is your favorite fantasy subgenre?
Definitely low fantasy. It’s what I read more than anything else, I believe. Fantasy that transpires in a real place but has a unique magic system. Some of my favorites are Shadow and Bone, The Starless Sea, and A Darker Shade of Magic (which is mostly low fantasy because it’s just different versions of London).
What subgenre have you not read much from?
Dystopian, sci-fi, and historical.
Who is one of your auto-buy fantasy authors?
Joanna Ruth Meyer, Leigh Bardugo, and Victoria Schwab are my auto-read fantasy authors!
How do you typically find fantasy recommendations? (Goodreads, Youtube, Podcasts, Instagram.)
Mostly from bookstagram/book blogs and The StoryGraph!
What is an upcoming fantasy release you’re excited for?
I was lucky enough to read an ARC of Six Crimson Cranes at the beginning of May and it was phenomenal! I thought Elizabeth Lim created magic with Spin the Dawn, but this book is on another level! At the time I’m publishing this article, it hasn’t even been released yet and I’m already dying to get my hands on the sequel!
What is one misconception about fantasy you would like to lay to rest?
That it’s “only for nerds.” Because fantasy has always been my favorite genre, I’ve had my fair share of conversations with friends where they look at me like I have two heads when I mention a fantasy novel I’m reading. It’s a genre that anyone can understand and enjoy thoroughly if they open their minds and actually let their imagination be free!
If someone had never read a fantasy before and asked you to recommend the first 3 books that come to mind as places to start, what would those recommendations be?
Who is the most recent fantasy reading content creator you came across that you’d like to shoutout?
I have been obsessing over the content created by @mousethatreads on Instagram lately! Her bookstagram is amazing, her stories are so engaging, and her blog is beautiful too. Definitely an inspiration to me.
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I enjoyed reading this book tag! I feel I know you more now 🙂 The Chronicles of Narnia and The Twilight Saga are great recommendations for fantasy read! Thanks for sharing x
Great post! I have to admit I’m still fairly new to fantasy but I have both The Shadow And Bone trilogy and The Invisible Life Of Addie LaRue and am looking forward to reading them even more now! Thanks for sharing x
Great tag! I’m not a fantasy reader, I struggle to find ones I really like, but it’s always nice to read about books from a real fan of the genre. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Love this tag and Q&A! So fun! Also love that you included Chronicles of Narnia. I loved those books growing up! CS Lewis is amazing!
Loved this Q&A post! I’ve been hearing quite a bit about Six Crimson Cranes and I’m looking forward to reading it.
Fantasy is a million percent my favourite genre! I love T A White, Sarah J Maas and Patrick Rothfuss. I’ve watched the Netflix series adaption of Shadow and Bone, so I’ll have to check out the book xx
mia // https://beautiful-inspiring-creative-life.com/
I love fantasy! I’d love the read the Chronicles of Narnia, I’ll have to get Leo in it when he’s a bit older!
Corinne x
I must admit that I don’t read much fantasy but recently got into some books that may come under that genre and I really enjoyed them. I will check out some of the books you shared — thanks for sharing!
This is such a great tag! I’m mildly embarrassed to admit that I’ve only read one of the books that you mentioned though… I’ll have to add the others to my tbr!
I don’t read fantasy often (or really ever!) but have wanted to dive into this genre sometime!
Fantasy is one of my faves too! I always loved The Chronicles of Narnia! It gives me so much nostalgia <3
Even if fantasy is not your thing, you make this genre sound so good! xoxo, Sarah
We love your answers!! It’s really cool that you started fantasy with Narnia. We’ll have to check out City of Brass.
Great tag! The Chronicles of Narnia is the first fantasy novel I read too, though I read it completely out of order, starting with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
This was such a fun tag to read! 😀 I love hearing all your thoughts on fantasy books. Six Crimson Cranes looks so good!! Would I have to read Spin the Dawn to understand this one or are they separate? Also fantasy is my go-to genre so I might have to do this tag as well 😉
Fantasy is for sure not my genre of choice but I know so many love it. I did read chronicles of narnia though!
Im not hugely into fantasy books but I do like the dystopian subgenre. Weirdly i enjoy fantasty tv/movie shows though – I loved Shadow & Bone!