Magical realism is a truly unique genre of fiction that has been growing in popularity over the last several years. I can absolutely see why: it’s fascinating. Here are 15 you need to read!
Gripping Trilogies That Every Reader Will Enjoy
Trilogies are a great way to enjoy a series without as much commitment. Here are 15 you’ll love.
21 Underrated Authors and Their Best Books and Series
Do you ever read a book, fall in love, want to shout about it to the world – and then find out that no one seems to know it exists? This happens to me all the time, so I’m sharing my favorite underrated authors and their best books with you.
The 21 Books I Enjoyed Reading the Most in 2021
Let me tell you something: narrowing down a favorites list to only 21 books was much harder than anticipated! It’s no competition. 2021 was the best reading year I’ve ever had in my life. I discovered so many talented authors,…